Forklift Aisle Requirements – A Guide for Best Warehouse Layouts

Here are the forklift aisle requirements guide for the various types of forklifts. Be sure to note that “clear aisles” means the dimension between products (pallets) stored in the aisle.  This is generally 6 inches narrower than where the rack is placed in what is call “rack to rack” or “steel to steel” aisle dimensions.  The rack …

How to Buy a Reach Truck for your Warehouse

Looking to buy a Reach Truck?  Read this first.  This short article will guide you through the ins and out of buying a reach fork lift truck. This article will take you through: reach truck dimensions and technical parameters important warehouse design considerations Buy a Reach Fork Truck When buying a reach lift truck you …

What is a Reach Truck?

Find information about a Reach truck including its aisle requirement. Reach truck help you save space in your warehouse by being highly maneuverable and using a reach mechanism to reach out and pick up a pallet, then retract to make the lift truck smaller to turn in a narrower aisle. This type of forklift is called a narrow aisle forklift working in a 9 foot aisle or less.