Warehouse Space Calculator

Calculate Warehouse Size Based on Number of Pallets to be Stored

warehouse space calculator

Trying to estimate how big your warehouse needs to be? Try our warehouse space calculator. If you know how many pallets you need to store and you are looking for a calculator to find how large your warehouse needs to be, use it to discover your warehouse size.

You will need a little information to get started.  Gather the following information:

  • The pallet dimensions you are looking to store,
  • Number of pallets,
  • Number of dock doors
  • How many levels in the racking that you want to store
  • The length of the pallet rack beam
  • The width of the column

How to use our Warehouse Space Calculator

We have included dummy data to help you get started.

With this sample data, the calculator has estimated about 12,000 square feet to store 1,000 pallets in a building with 10 dock doors.

Enter the your own data below in the boxes marked input.

INPUT INCHES FEET UNIT           Diviser Inches Feet  
Beam Length (racking) ft   Pallets per beam     2  
Column Width (racking) ft           1  
Pallet (Load) Width ft     Square feet for every intersecting aisle    
Pallet (Load) Length ft Feet per pallet stored sq ft      
Flue ft Width of Storage Unit ft          
        Length of Storage Unit ft    
Clear Aisle   Square footage of Storage Unit   sq ft        
Place an Intersecting Aisle every ft                  
Total number of pallets stored pallets             Or for every # of pallets    
# Pallets (Levels)  High pallets             Intersecting Aisle per pallet sq ft
Number of Dock Doors docks                    
Depth of dock/staging area ft           Intersecting Aisle Width    
                Intersecting Aisle Depth    
Warehouse Storage Space required sq ft           Square feet of Intersecting Aisle    
Total Square Feet of Storage Area including intersecting aisle sq ft                    
Total Square Feet of Storage Area including Dock/Staging Area sq ft           Length of dock area      
                Square footage for Dock area      
Total feet per pallet stored sq ft           Number of Pallets on a Beam