Forklift tires: Difference between pneumatic and cushion tires

Forklift tires: Pneumatic vs. cushion on lift trucks If your company is in the market for forklift tires, you might have come across the term cushion tires or pneumatic tires. What’s the difference? Here is a forklift tire and wheel primer. What the difference between cushion tires and pneumatic tires? Let’s look at the difference …

The truth about lithium ion batteries for forklifts

If you are a warehouse manager that walked the floor at the materials handling show Promat in the spring of 2017, you may have noticed the number of vendors touting lithium ion batteries for forklifts. The technology is relatively new for forklifts, and yet there are many questions warehouse managers are asking about their use in a …

Forklift battery maintenance tips

Here are the top forklift battery maintenance tips that will help you to avoid hurting forklift battery life. Follow these tips to help extend the life of a lift truck’s battery. This advice will also help eliminate the expense of needing to replace the unit prematurely. Be sure to always consult your battery seller or local forklift …